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Guldhedens Idrottsklubb

Askims IK P2014 Blå
Guldhedens IK Lions
Askims IK P2014 BlåvsGuldhedens IK Lions


Matchstart:lör 05 oktober, 13:30
Plats:Kobbens IP (Kobbegården Övre 22)
Matchnummer: 060504097
Aktivitetsinfo: Time for the last games of the series now on Saturday. It's basically a replay of the passing weekend as we're playing Askims IK once again and in the same time at the same place.

The matches start at 13:30 & 14:45. Meet up is half an hour before the game starts as we need time to prepare the boys for the game. Make sure to be there on time and that your child is prepared for warm up by then.

Please notify us on whether your child is available for both games or only one of them. The idea is for everyone to play one match, but it all depends on how many players sign up.

Please also notify us on whether you will go there by car and if you could offer a ride to someone in the club (if needed). Also notify us on whether you would like a ride to the game.

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